Monday, April 25, 2011

Pixie Tangerine, Key Lime (& Ginger Root) Gelato

So, Saturday was pretty special.  I made my therapist cry* and I got to go mega food shopping.  I also made a really awesome gelato, and that was while watching Fringe.  All while thinking about handing in my resignation letter to my boss on Monday (I did!).  You really can't get better than that.

*with joy!

So, this gelato.  I came up with the idea on a whim because I found cheap pixie oranges and key limes at Whole Foods.  And when something's cheap at Whole Foods, buy it.  I decided to use the recipe for a lemon gelato base, because honestly, I was super sick of making sorbets.  I created two batches.  The first was just with the citrus fruits, and the second was with some grated ginger.  Winner!

As you may know, key limes and pixie tangerines are tiny, so it took quite a lot to make enough juice (and to snack on in the process).  And the amount of key lime or tangerine is totally up to you, based off of what tartness you want.  Pixie tangerines taste more like oranges than other tangerines, I feel.  So, if you want some POW, then add more key lime.  And also, please keep in mind that this recipe is for those with an ice cream maker (that's you, Rebecca and Peter).

Ingredients List:
1/2 cup pixie tangerine and key lime juice (I split it evenly)
About 2 tablespoons of zest from said limes (I also added a bit of zest from the tangerines)
About 1 or 2 tablespoons of ginger zest
scant 1/2 cup of water
3/4 cup of sugar (the basic recipe asked for 1 cup, but I like my gelatos more tart.  3/4 cup was still plenty sweet)
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup heavy cream

Mix the water, juice, zest and sugar together until the sugar dissolves.  Then add in the milk and cream and mix quickly.  Pour into the gelato/ice cream maker for 40 minutes.  Voila!

One thing I didn't try, but think might be really good (especially if you have some left over from the OkoleLau recipe) is to add in a bit of ginger liqueur at about 30-35 minutes.

Oh yeah, and I was drinking my friend Christina's recipe for a delicious Corona.  Cover the lip with lime, then squeeze it in, then add dashes of salt to the lip.  I used to hate Corona, and now me likee.

Pixie tangerines next to a regular lime so you can see how pixie-ish they are.

You've been squeezed.

Oh, mama.

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